Does POP Peeper support Gmail's more secure OAuth flows?

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Does POP Peeper support Gmail's more secure OAuth flows?

Post by lwc »

Other than Gmail password login (requires Oauth2) (which BTW makes one ponder whether PP should be renamed to IMAP Peeper...), does PP support Making Google OAuth interactions safer by using more secure OAuth flows, which means complete blockage of (after initially only warning) any program that tries to utilize Loopback IP address flow for Chrome OAuth client types and/or OAuth out-of-band (oob) flow?
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Re: Does POP Peeper support Gmail's more secure OAuth flows?

Post by Jeff »

Yes, POP Peeper implements the more secure method for Gmail (since POP Peeper v5.0).

Unfortunately, this seems to suggest that the "web browser (code)" method will cease to work, since that method uses oob. This is unfortunate because it was recently discovered that Windows 7 cannot support the "more secure" method without running POP Peeper with admin privs. The fix (which was coded but not released yet) is to fallback to the "code" method...
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