Search Field Background Color

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Re: Search Field Background Color

Post by Jeff »

Protocol --

So that we can test it, what is the line you're using for the search box color using RGB values?
There should be no difference in how the RGB values are interpreted for this value compared to any others -- they all use the same code; so maybe you're doing something different for this one?
1. Where is the "All Accounts" color located?
Ans: The color of that drop-down box is fixed (cannot be changed).
I'm going to take another look at this. I'm fairly certain that the control has to be custom-drawn (as opposed to just changing the colors), which is probably why I skipped it the first time (the dropdown list is themed).
2. Can I remove the blank white column on the right?
If you right-click on the header there's a "use optimal column sizes." Alternatively, if you edit the columns and specify one of the columns as "elastic" (the subject column will get the elastic property if you "use optimal column sizes"), then that column will use any unused space so that your columns always fit regardless of the window size.

I'll take a look at that, too, as far as color.
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Re: Search Field Background Color

Post by Protocol »

Hi guys.

Thanks for the tips on expanding the right column.
And that's OK if the "All Accounts" color can't be changed.

Regarding the RGB color.
It is working now. I think I may have been using commas. 🤔

Here is the RGB:
RGB: 255, 204, 153

Below are my search box colors for the image that I posted previously.
It was just the back I was trying to change.

Text1 = #000000
Text2 = #808080
Back = #FFCC99
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Re: Search Field Background Color

Post by Jeff »

PPv5_Theme_CbAccounts_Experimental.png (2.81 KiB) Viewed 20200 times

So I got the colors working satisfactorily in the Accounts dropdown, but this change will not make it into PPv5 -- the problem is that this is an all or nothing change and when Themes are disabled, it has a different look and feel to it and I didn't like it. I have an idea of how to fix it, but the amount of work it would require doesn't seem worth the effort; some other time, perhaps.

Yeah, you can't use commas in the RGB value -- just spaces.
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Re: Search Field Background Color

Post by Protocol »

No worries, Jeff. 👍